JGS Couriers Ltd

Friday, 30 September 2011

Blazing weather! Blazing service"

Good morning,   

Who would have thought that this close to October, it would be sun-bathing and ice cream weather?!  This glorious sunshine and warmth is set to continue over the weekend and onto Monday.   

weather forecast
And yet, guess who is talking about being prepared for the winter?  The County Council is making sure now that it's much 
better prepared for the eventuality of severe cold weather!

In a bid to stop the county from relying on donations from other councils in the event of a widespread big freeze like those experienced over the last two years, salt stocks here in Worcestershire are bigger than ever before.

Peter Blake, head of integrated transport at Worcestershire County Council, said: "As we go into this winter we have never had more resilience to deal with anything the winter's going to throw at us.  We have got more salt supplies than ever. We have never been more prepared."

So, come rain or shine, an Indian Summer or a severe winter, we at JGS Couriers will continue to offer you a blazing courier service across the country and Europe.

 Travel News

Enjoy this fabulous weather and have a great weekend! 

Kind regards,


JGS Couriers Ltd

01905 640518 

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